Player Database
Steven Hopley
     Current   ✔︎
Games by Year and Grade
Year Grade Round Pos Tries Pts View
2024 2nd 3 HK(res) 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 10 LHP(res) 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 11 LHP(res) 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 12 LHP 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 14 THP 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 2 LHP 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 5 LHP(res) 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 6 LSR(res) 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 7 LHP 0 0 Detail
2024 3rd 9 LHP(res) 0 0 Detail
  • Data from 1975 to 2002 is season summary data.
  • Womens 7 games only count as 1/2 for purposes of "Games Played"